Party Planner
All that you need to plan a party by section
No matter if it is Grandmother’s 90th, a 18th or 21st, Wedding or Conference the same elements apply to putting on any event.
Party Hire Categories
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- Marquees, Specials
3×3 Meter Marquee
$90.00$75.00 - Add to cart
- Dry Bars
Dry Bar
- $26.50 – $32.00
- Select options
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- Accessories, Lights
Romantic Heart Light
$90.00$75.00 - Add to cart
Event Planner
The reason for the season
What is the reason for your party? Who is important? Who will the party be for? Who will come?
What date will your event be on? Is there a special date? Can you have it that day or one close to it. Weekend events are better attended. Will it be a morning, lunch, afternoon or evening event? Each time of day has it’s pros and cons and certain events have etiquette in the time or day – eg types of food and drink at that time of day. Think about the time of day in terms of light. What will the photos look like? If the party is for young children when will they be happiest? The time of day can determine the mood of your event.
Guest list will often depend on budget. You can use our website to determine the cost of your event hire. Think about the space you will need for your venue depending on the number of people that will attend. This can be the hard part, but send out save the dates cards and gauge your possible party size. Remember not everyone will come, but you will have extras you didn’t expect at last minute. Are the invites + one? Do you plan to allow children and what will you provide for them if they attend.
Once you know how many people are coming, the organising becomes easier. A party might be centered around a particular event at home for instance. But any venue will have to fit the number of the people you have invited in the activity that you plan to have at the event. Eg. Is it a sit down dinner? Will there be dancing? Will you require seperate spaces for this or will guests mainly be standing?
The reason for the party can determine the theme. What are the key parts to bring this theme together? Will it determine what food and drink is served? What colours are involved in this theme? Will there be instructions to guests about costume or props they need to bring.
You can make these yourself or get them professionally made. Each invite should provide the essential information. Answer the Who, What, Where, Why and When questions with your invite. Is there special information about gifts and food to bring? What about dietry requirements, do you need people to reply RSVP with what information? Send out your invites in good time before the event, but not too long ahead. A years notice is probably a good idea for a location wedding, but maybe not for a birthday party.
Your budget and guest list can determine the answer to these questions, but will you cater this yourself? If you do have budget to have a caterer will it be the venue that caters? If it is a mobile caterer what equipment will you need? We can help you if you need advise on what to provide for your caterer contact us here.
This is where we can help you. Look to the left and these are the categories of hire equipment you will need for your event. Remember the guest list will determine the size of the marquee you require. Don’t forget to order a few extra chairs incase.
You can be as decorative as you like, some suggestions are: Balloon bouquets instead of flowers, natural elements such as stones, sticks and leaves for table ornaments. Op shops are a gold mine for tablecloths, doilies, jars, homewares etc for candles and table ornaments or cutlery. Remember that tall table decorations can make it hard to talk to one another and could be knocked over. Choose 1-3 colour schemes and try to stick with that. Use similar textures or contrast them on purpose. Think about a photo booth area where people can take their own selfies and photos. Will guests be presented with a small gift? Will this be at the beginning or the night like a drink, at the table like a favour or a lolly bag at the end.
Make sure your hire turns up first for setup. Marquees go up first, then tables then chairs. Be aware of the terrain you set up on wet, muddy or uneven ground can end badly. Where will people dance? Will there be a PA system a DJ? Is it a buffet style party where will the food line go? Make sure the toilet door isn’t behind where people line up for dinner or the bar.
Give yourself enough time for yourself to get ready and relax before the party. Last thing you want is people turning up while you are still setting up.
Have a timeline for the event. Give about an hour with the opportunity to extend longer for each “stage” of the event. If the energy is lagging in the party move to the next stage. Some parties will finish quickly like a child’s birthday party where the serving of cake means the end and this should happen at the specified party end. Some parties like a wedding receptions will have an open ended length and may have it’s own “after party.”